Thursday, March 22, 2007

Rambling thoughts

Well, it's most definitely been an interesting time. Emily's moving to California ended up being one of the easier parts of the last month! John Henderson died March 1st. This past Sunday (18th) was his wake at the Haven (pub) in Parkland. Then a few of us went to Truman Glick Park in Matlock to scatter his ashes in the creek. That was different! I'm not sure how to define my feelings. I know I was thinking about my folks and how that's going to be when it's time to do that for them. It was sad to say goodbye to John. Eternity without the Lord can not be a good thing. Watching my Mom go downhill has been very hard. There's the part of me that wants things the way they were, but the other part says I don't want her to suffer a long time either in her current state. This Sunday I'll be leading worship at Moriah..The theme that came to me was overcoming. Without the Lord, all the "stuff" of the past few weeks would be unbearable. But, I have a Redeemer. I have an advocate! I have someone I can bare my fears, tears and uncertainties to..

On a lighter note, last night I finished my first full quilt top. The next step is the borders and then the backing..I think that seems more intimidating than all the squares. I have no idea what I'll do with this quilt..but, it sure is soft...It's flannel! I have the first year's quilt to finish too. I think that I'll put that one in my new guest room..aka Emily's room..


Eliza said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts & fears--I love you!
The quilt looks great. One of the side benefits of my job is fabric & trims & buttons. I am amassing quite a collection & will hopefully start soon on some of the many projects I have in my head! I have an entire box of 100% cotton denim panels, from which I plan to make a quilt with different patches of varying blue-colored denim. Just recently I found an entire roll of a cozy plaid flannel that I think will be the back of the quilt.
Now I just need to learn how to make a quilt! :)

Carolyn said...

Thanks for your comments..I'll bet there is a quilt store near you..This quilt is from the "block of the month" club. Part of quilting is learning how to cut, what tools to use,'s definitely a learning process.

I visited my Mom wasn't good. She just lies in the dark. I'm not sure if it's the illness or the meds. She's on so much crap that I think that's causing more problems and depression. Oy! I never thought it would happen this way.

Anyway, we're off to visit Grandma Linda and Poppa Don today. David is staying home..His comment was "there's just so many times I can sit through talks of health insurance." Tee hee..anyway, I think he and Mike are going to see the new Ninja Turtles movie. I had thought I would take him on a date to see it, but he made other plans..

Love you!