Thursday, June 21, 2007

Father's Day at the Museum of Flight

Saturday, June 16th was spent at the Boeing Museum of Flight. This is something we have done for Father's Day for many years. This year the museum had a space exhibit that was really cool!! I have always loved following the space program. I suppose I have my Dad to thank for that. We used to always watch whatever we could on TV..I remember Apollo 11's landing on the moon, but I don't remember the Apollo 13 drama. I remember when the first shuttle landed back on earth. I was working for Boeing at the time in their bank services division and there was a whole lot of us crammed into an office watching the landing on a small tv. When the Challenger exploded, I was glued to the tv all day. I don't even remember what this picture is. I remember thinking from the back it kind of looked like the death star from Star Wars! :)
This is a picture of the Mars rover. A childhood friend of mine worked on this project at JPL (Jet Propulsion Lab). It's kind of cool to say....I know him!!
Here is Reg trying to land the shuttle in the simulator..He was 50%..

My wonderful family..Kathryn, Levi, Albert & Eliza
Linda and Linda!!
Reg and most of his kids! We we really missed Emily. Hopefully she and her family will be around next year. We need to introduce Anthony and Tillie to this tradition.
It was a wonderful time!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Rainy Saturday

Reg and I spent most of today mucking out Henderson's apartment today. We were joined by John Taubeneck, John Cummings, Jerry Henderson and a guy named Dan, who needed bifocals! How can one man have so much JUNK! (Not Dan, John) My makes me want to go through each room and throw the stuff out the window. (Ok..that thought will leave soon enough)..I know someone who recently sold their house, 99% of their stuff and are living in a 5th wheel..It sounds somewhat attractive, but at the same time, I really like having my home. But also recognizing that when we die..we can't take it with us!

I've had so much running through my mind lately that it's hard to sort it all out..I may use this medium as a way of sorting things through or I may use a pen and paper..I'm not sure..I know I'm on overload, that's for sure..I used to always think it was kind of rude when people talked about feeling relief at the death of someone, but to be honest, I understand it. Sometimes I feel guilty about it, other times, I don't.

Good news ...The Maier's will be home next month...they are planning leave 29 Palms July 1st! I'm excited and am praying that Anthony can find a job soon...

Well, dinner's just about ready and I need to coordinate it!

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Welcome to the 21st Century, Reg & Carolyn

We have joined the 21st Century with our new, HD, plasma tv!!! Whee!! Now I have to figure out the room again..oh darn!! We're watching "Top Gun" with surround sound!! The music is awesome..the sound system even has an Ipod dock and connection..too fun! New stuff to learn..
Bruce and Cathy came to visit too. We gave them a taste of Shelton culture and went to the Forest Festival parade. I love small was fun walking down the street and seeing lots of people I know..
Tillie is 9 months old today..3 more months and our little peanut turns 1!!!!

We also bought a new mattress set for our guest room...aka, Emily's old room..the old mattresses were ANCIENT!! My grandma moved them up here in 1983 and no telling how long she had them when she lived in, company..come on over!!!
I visited my Mom on Thursday..she's in a different first I freaked because she is in the area where those with more severe dementia are...I hate going there to visit..I wish things were different, but they're not..anyway, I felt better this visit. When I arrived, Mom was in the activity room where one of the aides was doing a hymn sing along..they had a tape player with all these old time hymns on it and typed words for us...afterwards we wandered the halls and went outside for about 10 minutes, but it was hot, so we went back in..went around the halls again and I stayed with Mom until she went to the dining room for dinner. She seems to be accepting of where she is at and knows she is nearing the end..

Well, back to "Top Gun!"