Friday, December 28, 2007

To know Vince is to love Vince

Erika and I decided to honor Dr. Morson today! It's we love Dr. Morson day!!
This would be an inside joke!

Tuesday, December 25, 2007


Well, David and I did go see the movie. It was good! We are having a small white Christmas!
Our Tree! Not the best picture but I like the shadow of the cross.
Ok..I found a goofy setting on my camera!

A Different, but Merry Christmas

This year Christmas is a different holiday for us here at the Hearn household...As I write this, it is Christmas day and it is very quiet!! Emily, Anthony and Tillie are celebrating their first Christmas as a family at their apartment in Bothell, so it's our first Christmas without Ems. David came over last night and is still here watching TV. So, that is some normalcy. He and I might go see the new National Treasure movie. This is also my first Christmas without seeing my folks. We visited last Friday and did some caroling at the nursing home. My Dad is having lunch with my Mom today at Manor Care.

This past Saturday was our annual Hearn gathering. It was held at our home and it was so much fun! I look forward to it every year, especially this year. Thank you all dear family for being so wonderful!

Back in a November post is the quilt making adventure Debbie and I had. We made a quilt for Mom and gave it to her this past Friday after we sang. There are pictures there of Debbie and I with our mom, giving her the finished project!

I have so many pictures, I created a link to make it easier..Click here to see all the pictures. They are in random order..There are a couple of pictures of Ems with her friends, Hannah and JoyMarie. They have been friends for a long time. It's fun to see them get together and giggle.

I find myself near tears today. I'm sad because my parents are not well. I'm not sad that Emily is not here, just trying to get used to it. It's important for Ems and Anthony to establish their own traditions now. When Reg and I first got married, I was adamant that Christmas morning would be just our family. Then we could do whatever in the afternoon. It's so easy to lose the meaning of Christmas. Not just the shopping, but also the busyness of the holiday. As I was thinking of my Dad, who has kind of ignored Christmas, I thought that in spite of all that is going on in our lives, and I think of my Mom who is not well, today we celebrate the birth of a Savior. His birth has made it possible for us to see God face to face! To give us eternal life when our earthly bodies give out! That alone is GREAT cause for celebration! It is a gift offered to all! It just needs unwrapping.

So, as this day starts to wind down, I will choose to remember the incredible gift offered to me which I opened back in 1974, and I thank God everyday for His Son who offers me salvation and hope. Romans 5:5 says "And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us."

Merry Christmas everyone!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Mom and Me

Here's a picture of Mom and me this past Friday..she had her hair done that day! Manor Care takes such good care of my mom..My Mom is a hero to me! Life has thrown her a big curve and she makes the best out of the situation as she can..a couple of weeks ago she was given the opportunity to see the Festival of Trees and she was so eager to go..When we took her for a drive she was up for the adventure.
Thanks for being such a role model Mom...I LOVE YOU!!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Christmas Parade

Tonight was Shelton's annual Christmas parade..tonight it SNOWED!!! It was big wet flakes and smaller dry flakes. We had Em, Anthony & Tillie too and no stroller! Never haul a 25+ pound toddler, who is all bundled up, around..She's HEAVY!! Tillie's upper body was staying warm, but her legs were getting wet, so we left early after we saw the SHS band march and also the float from Kidztown, which is a community Children's church..It's headed up by a good friend of ours..No pictures of the parade though..too many layers to deal with a camera..
But here's a picture of Tillie in her new sweater that my co-worker, Erika, made..She is a knitting fiend! :)
Emily and Anthony are off on a date and Reg and I get to babysit! YEA!!!!!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Please pray

Yesterday, November 29th, my great-nephew, Elijah James Nance was born. His mother is diabetic and he was early and had low blood sugars. Later in the day they put Elijah in intensive care because he has a blockage. They were able to find the cause, and today they are operating. Below is an email from my sister, Elijah's grandma..Thanks for praying!!

"Hello all,
Thanks for your prayer support!!!

Elijah will be having surgery today some time this afternoon. He has a deformity of his trachea and esophogus. His esophogus is not attached to his stomach. His trachea has an extra turn or something so that things tend to back up into his lungs.

He has an IV that is feeding him. Nathan and Tara seem to be doing pretty well. They have been able to hold him and spend time with him, even with the various wires and such. Elijah seems to be peaceful and doing well, considering.

Lenard will be flying down from Ketchikan to here on Sunday evening.

Again, thanks so much for your prayers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Love Debbie"

PS..Debbie called around 9:45 Friday night..the surgery went well..Tara, Elijah's Mom will be released tomorrow and Elijah will be in the hospital 1-2 weeks...

Dinner for two

On Saturday, November 24th, Reg and I officially became empty nesters. David moved out and in with his friend, Sean Rowan. While excited to see him move, it was also hard to say good-bye. When he was ready to leave with his last load, we prayed him on his way was so special as Reg, David, my sister, Debbie and I prayed and cried..

Enjoy my tribute to our son, David...

Monday, November 26, 2007

Busy weekend

Thanksgiving weekend was a busy weekend for us..Thanksgiving itself was on the quiet side. Our normal guest list topped off at 17-18. This year there was just 7 of us. It was different. The stress level was much lower, that's for sure. More leftovers and less dishes! :)
My Martha Stewart moment..the table
This is my brother-in-law, Lenard.
This is Erika..she works with me!!
My sister Debbie having a Chiropractic exam with Dr. Morson. (See Debbie, I told you I would put this picture in).
This is my best friend from high school, Anne! She and I turn 50 in January..She's the older one! By 12 days. She and her husband Steve were visiting from Virginia. Their youngest is stationed at Ft. Lewis so Thanksgiving was a perfect reason to come visit. After a lunch of turkey sandwiches and soup, Anne, her Mom Kay and I visited both my Mom and Dad.
While we were visiting my folks, Reg and Steve visited. They always have such good discussions. They have lots of common interests.
For Christmas my sister and I have decided to make our Mom a lap quilt. The plan was to sew on Saturday. I had gotten the pieces all cut out ahead of time. So, sew we did..
Here I am hard at work, pin in mouth!
I am so grateful that our Mom thought it important that we learn to sew. Debbie and I had so much fun doing this project. We sewed most of the day.
My sis!!
Look!!! It's almost finished! Well, at least the top part.
I think we were getting a bit punchy by this time!!
Here is the nearly finished top. We aren't sure how to do the mitered corners. Debbie has taken it home to finish it. I hope she figures out the mitered corners!!
There is more to our weekend, but I have to pull that posting together..It involves my scanner..keep watching!!
Oh, and Mandy, Elisabeth, Becky and Kristen...hahahahaha!! The above project is why your little escapade wasn't successful at my house!! TEE HEE!!

Monday, November 12, 2007

Guess Who Came To Visit

Tillie came to visit! She came with her parents!!!
Reading "Goodnight Moon" with Grandpa! (You should have seen her climbing all over was pretty funny..He had to work hard)
There's nothing sweeter than a sleeping baby!

Monday, November 05, 2007

Saturday Happenings and then some

This past Saturday we went up to Kirkland to Emily's first concert with the Woodinville Community Band. Of course, we went early enough to go visit the Maier's at their apartment...
After the concert, we went to our friend's Jeff & Tammy Keith's for was nice to arrive home and set the clocks back an hour..

What would a visit be without new pictures of Tillie...What a go-getter! That child gets into EVERYTHING..she walks everywhere...

Like an idiot, I forgot my camera, but these did ok with my was hard to keep her still long enough to take the picture... :)

Here is Tillie on Halloween...She was a turtle!!

Saturday was a great day!!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Ladies Afternoon Out

Last Friday, Debbie and I took our Mom on a bit of an adventure..We've been trying to find ways to make her life a bit more fun. For those who don't know, my Mom is in a nursing home in Gig Harbor. She's been there since late February, early March. This summer, we started to find ways to "spring" her for adventures..This was our "grand" adventure. We took her to Sharis for an early meal. Because she struggles with eating utensils, we ordered finger foods. Afterwards, we went to a couple of stores and then back to the nursing home. This was the second time we got to take Mom over the new Narrows Bridge. She got to see it go up but was wanting to go over it again. I have to admit I was nervous about the afternoon, but Debbie wasn't. We got instruction in how to get her in and out of the car, so that helped quite a bit. Mom was pretty tired afterwards. We visited for a little bit after returning her to Manor Care, but she was ready for us to leave.
Watching my parents decline has been hard. I'm not sure how to explain. Part of it is the decline itself, but a lot of it has to do with the change in roles. Debbie and I are in process of parenting oiur parents. Also, when they both go, the thought of not having parents is weird. It's been a process, that's for sure.
There are thoughts of "what if this happens to me?" Part of my Mom's disease has some dementia to it. My Grandma and her sisters all had dementia..I'd be lying if I said the thought hadn't crossed my mind. It's not something I dwell on, but, I do wonder..
My faith in the Lord is what sustains me through all of this. Going through this in my own strength would be impossible. Having the support of praying friends means everything..One of the things I was able to verbalize recently was the loss of my Mom, or my she was. While not perfect, my Mom has been a rock for me.
My Dad's health is not good either. He is living in an assisted living facility in Tacoma. He goes to see my Mom several times a week. I'm sad for him as his grief for my Mom and for the way things are has consumed him.
Our responses to life circumstances is a choice. Granted, sometimes initial responses are reactions, but I believe overall, we choose how we respond. I choose not to be consumed with that which is wrong in my life. There is so much more that is right!!! God is GOOD!!!!

Monday, October 15, 2007

Lake Chelan

This past weekend was spent at Lake Chelan. Each year my boss takes us on a weekend getaway. Each year we score with a wonderful place and wonderful weather.

This was the view right outside our hotel room.

The fall colors were beautiful in Blewett Pass..

Reg and me at our group dinner

More views outside our door

It was fun hanging out with everyone. I would love to go back during the summer and rent a jet ski!! I'm still waiting for one, Reg!!! The rest of the pictures from the weekend can be seen here.

Monday, October 01, 2007


This past weekend I went on a retreat with the ladies from my church and from other churches. It was held in a beautiful home on Whidbey Island..the home is a 10,000 square foot mansion on the was can click here for pictures of both the home and the weekend..

I got there Thursday evening around 7:30ish. It's always fun finding something in the dark, but find it I did..There was a fast going on from 3PM that day to 3PM on Friday. Being diabetic I can't take part in that, so had some snacks..worship was going on in the main room and I could hear it from where I was..It was was free form and it sounded like angels..I missed the first speaker and was was my friend a smaller group we were asked what had brought us to the retreat..Since leaving our old church, I had pulled back from a lot of "churchy" things..I really feel that the Lord is saying "get back in the game." (Not that I think that any of this is a game...but it best describes what I'm trying to say..) I got to sleep around 11:30 on an Aero type was VERY comfortable..more so than the bed at the Shiloh Inn...

Friday was a beautiful wasn't forcast to be so, but it was..After worship the next two hours were to be spent quiet with the Lord..well...I met a woman, MaryLou who happened to be from Hoodsport..we walked all around the beach and had wonderful conversation..I'm hoping she will be someone in my life later....later as we regrouped, I was with another group of women who prayed for me as I was able to articulate how much I missed my Mom..or more accurately, I miss my Mommy...It is hard to see my Mom in her current state..My mother is still alive, but my "mommy" is not..I hope that makes sense..I have also felt a sense of abandonment with my sister's impending move back to Ketchikan..I have not been able to be emotionally supportive in their project. I am afraid of being the "main" kid for my parents.. In another quiet time, I was working on a Bible Study I'm involved with and something I read was has allowed me to emotionally let go of my sister and to honestly be on board with what they are doing..Another woman I met the night before sought me out and we had a good discussion on legalism and such..she is not happy in her marriage..she's been married for 39 years (I think) with kids ranging in age from 12 to 34..I feel so fortunate..I have been truly happily married for 24 years..Thank you Lord for Reg..he has loved me unconditionally for all these years and has modeled the love of our Lord to me..too many of my friends are not happily married and I find it so sad.

Finally at 3PM the food came out..while I hadn't fasted, I was eating small things to keep my blood sugars at an ok level..Friday night was a salad potluck..My contribution was guacamole, at Diane's didn't last long! :) We had more worship and speakers and group was all wonderful..I was most definitely ready for bed by 10PM...

Saturday came and more wonderful worship and word..I found as the time to go home drew nearer, I wanted to was a nice feeling...I think it was partly the physical surroundings, but mostly the Lord was so prevalent there..

I left at 5PM in order to catch the 6PM ferry to Port Townsend. It was running late due to the windy took 2 tries to dock the boat and the second one was pretty rough..the drive home in the dark and wet on Hwy. 101 was not what I would call fun..but I made it home!

It was a wonderful weekend that opened up a sense of freedom in worship for me. I didn't play in any of the worship sessions, I just got to partake and it was such a gift. On Sunday, the freedom continued at church and seemed to be was great!!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Day 3 - the end

Today was our last day with Tillie!! It was fun..we played at Moriah this morning..during practice, Tillie munched on Cheerios and when that got boring, she crawled around with a rhythm egg and some bells..she was playing along with us..the nursery person didn't show up, so one of the ladies held Tillie during worship. Apparently there was a little boy nearby that Tillie was interacting with and the little boy was very touched. He told Nancy, the lady holding Tillie that at his last church, no one was very nice to him..God works even through the littlest ones..How cool is that...
This picture shows how blue Tillie's eyes are..

The outfit that Tillie is wearing was made by my Mom for Emily when she was a's too cute!! Thanks Mom!!
Babies are a lot of work, but they sure are fun..Thanks for being with us Tillie Anne!!

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Day 2

Day 2 is over..unless Tillie wakes up in the middle of the night. Tillie woke me up at those digital clocks..Breakfast and some playing, she went down for a morning nap..Grandpa and I took her for a walk to the Post Office..He left for Seattle and Tillie and I hung out..Vince came over to practice music for Sunday, and after he left it was nap time again!! Gotta love nap time...
Mugging for the camera

A real ham!!
Mastering a new skill and slowly working to lose the bottle..
The obligatory bath picture..still hamming it up!
As an addendum to the the Day 1 entry, I had fallen asleep on the couch in the family room when the baby monitor started making noises...Tillie???, it was Reg snoring in our room. Tillie's sleeping in Emily's old room. If you are familiar with our house, our room is across from Emily's.sort of..anyway..It scared me at first and once I identified the sound, I thought it was pretty darn funny!
Emily texted me and they were heading for the Spirit of Washington Dinner sounds like a lot of fun!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Day 1

This weekend, Reg and I are soloing with Tillie, giving Emily and Anthony a weekend alone to celebrate their first anniversary!!! On Thursday I drove up to Bothell and spent the night with Ems and her family..After going out to dinner, I went with Emily to her orchestra practice..I got to see good friend Tammy and her daughter, Theresa..Friday morning Ems and I worked on Tillie's room. Tillie and I left around 1ish to a crying much as parents look forward to the breaks, that first one is always the hardest..well, until they REALLY move out..

Tillie is now asleep and it's my hope she stays that way until morning...

No pictures yet...I thought my camera was in my purse..I hope I can find it!!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Surprise visit

Friday night around 10:30, Emily called to say they would be down on Saturday..Anthony and Bill were going to organize their storage got to see the Maier Family. Tillie started taking her first steps on August 30th, and I was able to capture some when they visited..Baby steps are soooo cute!! This upcoming weekend is Tillie's first weekend away from her parents..Em and Anthony celebrate their anniversary on the 24th, so Grandma and Grandpa are taking Tillie..(well, mostly Grandma..) It ought to be fun!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

24 years

Reg had a conference to attend September 10 & 11 at Ocean Shores and I got to tag along...we arrived at the Shiloh Inn Sunday evening. This was the view out our balcony Monday morning.
Having the whole day to myself, I brought a project. Tillie's pictures..there are LOTS AND LOTS..before getting started I checked out the pool and hot tub..the pool quickly killed my eyes, so I switched to the hot tub..afterwards and after lunch, I got started on Tillie's scrapbook..
After a couple of hours of scrapping, I decided I had to go to the beach and read. The one thing I forgot was a chair, but took my beach towel and book down to the beach. I didn't last long as it was very windy and sand was blowing everywhere. Anthony talked about the sand in Iraq and how it was everywhere. Well, I know I have nothing to compare it with, but I was finding sand all night long..I could at least empathize with his sandy experiences.

While sitting reading, this little guy came near me to see if I had any goodies..when I first saw him he was just standing there and then settled in for a bit. He took off after figuring out there were no goodies.

24 Years..September 10, year is our triple excitement year..50 for me, 60 for Reg and 25 years of marriage. We need to do something spectacular..
Tuesday, September 11th. We woke up to fog that was still there at noon when we left. We stopped at the airport in Hoquiam for lunch, then ventured home! Reg thanked me for going with him...The thanks were all to him to give me an opportunity to totally veg out and do whatever I wanted to do..It was great fun..

Our next adventure starts September 21st as I drive up to Bothell to pick Tillie up for her first Grandparent weekend..It will also give Ems and Anthony a chance to celebrate their first anniversary year already!!