Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Today was doctor day for Emily..first we went to see the midwife. Ems needed to get established here in Shelton. She has 2 more visits in Cheney, then back here in June for an ultrasound. Hopefully we'll be able to tell if it's a boy or girl!! Grandma Lori went with us too, and took us out to breakfast..Then it was off to the dentist, WalMart and Fred Meyer.. Now we're about to head into Olympia to look for some maternity clothes and go to a movie..I'm glad I have the day off...I'M EXHAUSTED!!!

We videotaped listening to the heartbeat. That was cool..It was 140 this time...At 8 weeks, the heartbeat was, if we're going by heartbeat we have a boy or a girl...:)

Baseball officially starts on Monday...Yea! I hope the M's can win some games this year.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Here is our little peanut as of Feb.1, 2006....Now Emily is 14-16 weeks along, depending on how you count it... (see the little white spot in the lower right the kidney shaped black shape..) how clinical is that?

5 1/2 months to go!! Next appointment is this Wednesday in Shelton..Grandma Lori is going with us too!!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Fun times today with the family...My folks, Reg's folks and all the kids and sons in law..Just missing Anthony!!! Well, and Ziggy too as we were rolling around a tennis ball..tomorrow we are playing in Olympia in the morning and then at night in will be a long day..

Now, if I can just post pictures here...