Monday, August 18, 2008

Happy Birthday David James Hearn

Today is David's 24th birthday!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Begging Gulls???

Yesterday I was eating my very healthy breakfast at McDonalds..(yeah, I know..) I usually park my car and eat in it..there have been crows, birds, that hang around looking for a handout. Yesterday, there were 2 seagulls and they were begging! They'd look at me, raise their heads and made a seagull sound..THEY WERE BEGGING!! I've seen lots of birds, gulls, and such hang out by the food, but never overt begging..It was funny..Ok these days finding stupid things to make me laugh is a good thing!!

Friday, August 08, 2008

Some Tillie Pics

Last weekend, Emily and Tillie came down for the weekend. One of Emily's friend's is getting married and she and I went to her bridal shower. On Saturday we took Tillie to Kneeland Park. first she wasn't too thrilled. So, we tried some other toys.
Her first slide with her Mommy. She liked that right off!
Tillie's first solo slide! She really liked much so that she tried to climb up the slide to do it again..She got a bit frustrated having to go back up the right way!

We came back to the swings..some other kids were swinging and Tillie was watching and observing that they were having fun, so we put her in again and she liked much so that she pitched a fit when we took her out! Ah...Tillie!!
Here's my goofy girl!! Love you Tillie Girl!