Friday, September 26, 2008

More Rushmore..Wed. September 24, 2008

We spent several hours at Mt. is spectacular..incredible..I could go on and on..
There are so many views that you see depending on where you stand. Here we're at the base of the monument.
Some views have more of a focus on Washington and others on Lincoln. Jefferson and Roosevelt are seen head on.

This is the Hallway of Flags. Each state is listed with the date they were admitted to the Union.
Reg and a steam locomotive. There is a train that runs between Keystone, which is where Mt. Rushmore is located and Hill City, 10 miles away..

Each night, during the summer season, there is a lighting ceremony. It starts with a ranger talk, then a video. Then they had us rise to sing the National Anthem and the lights went up on the monument..another awesome moment. Afterwards, all military personnel, past and present are invited up to the stage. The flag is lowered and folded. The ranger then went from person to person and had them place their hand on the flag, say their name and what branch of the military they had served..or were was a touching moment.
Today we are heading for Colorado Springs!

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