Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I decided to post here instead of answering on Facebook one by one..that's one thing MySpace has going for it..I can blog it there or do a bulletin..

ANYWAY...the news was mostly good. The lump was pre-cancerous. The surgeon got all of the affected tissue out..

The next part is where it gets difficult..Traditional medicine says 6 weeks of radiation, or mastectomy..those 2 options are not at all what I want to do. Most disease comes from environmental causes and my biggest issue in life is nutrition and exercise..I am trying to make better choices and am supplementing with good, healthy supplements, but have a ways to this point, I believe that's how I will choose to keep this at bay, but will look at all sides..

Thanks for all your prayers and support..

Love you all,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Carolyn, I just wanted to tell you how much your journaling touched me. Hang in there & let me know if you ever need anything. Love you, Julie