Sunday, May 25, 2008

Wild Wake Up

It's been a long time since I posted here. A lot has happened. This morning though I had one of the wildest wake ups ever!

Emily and family have been down this weekend and stayed with Anthony's family. The 3 of them are all in one room and any mother who has had her child sleep in the same room knows that you hear every move, noise, etc..especially when you're not used to having them in the room( and, Dad sleeps right through it all). So, for 2 nights, Emily didn't get much sleep..Conversely, Tillie hears things too and woke up much sooner than normal. This morning, Tillie woke up sometime in the 5AM hour. Emily didn't know how to work the tv remotes at her in-laws and was sleep deprived and emotional, so she and Tillie came to our 5:30ish!! I've been sleeping on our couch recently because of a sore arm..I was sound asleep and heard a LOUD scream! After flailing on the couch, I saw Emily sitting on the other couch and Tillie was near the stairs and she was screaming! We think she was afraid of the fan..needless to say it was not the best start to the morning..but, we got a couple of hours with our granddaughter!!! The whole episode now seems funny..Emily said my reaction was hilarious! I'm so glad I could provide such entertainment!

No pictures to post this time. As soon as Emily posts some Tillie swimming pics, I'll hijack them and post them.

1 comment:

mandy said...

thats a funny story! well probably not funny at the time. but i laughed! and i am sure are now too!