Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter Weekend

We had a great Easter weekend!! This is Thursday before, visiting my Mom. I noticed in this picture that Mom really looks like my Gram here. My cousin, Andi, noticed it too!!
Easter afternoon we headed up to Bob & Andi Pistay's..(Bob's my cousin!!) This is Tillie (duh) and their dog, Cayenne..a real gentle retriever..
Andi set a beautiful table as usual. That's a skill I haven't mastered yet..oh well...Hollister thinks I make great gravy! (Inside joke)

Here's a goofy picture of Tillie and me!
Ems and Cayenne. The Hearn family really misses having a dog sometimes..Especially being around wonderful dogs like Cayenne!!
Here's a pretty Easter girl..Did I mention I bought her Easter dress..It was so pretty..a little long, but oh so pretty!!
When Tillie would stoop down her dress would look really cool!
This is Brian, Reg and Bob looking at a computer at boats and planes..The Pistay's are a sailing family. Bob started sailing way back in the 60's. I got to go with them back in 1968. It was when my (maternal) Grandfather passed away and my sister and I were getting pawned off on various people. Bob's family tooking us sailing..All I really remember was Bob making the boat go way over on it's side and my Aunt yelling at him..It was pretty funny! Too bad I don't know the proper sailing terms..:)
Bobby Baby!! My cousin! He calls me Chuckie!
Here's Tillie in the Pistay antique high chair that they've had since Brian was a baby!
Andi & Brian. I didn't get far enough back, but Andi is holding Brian....I hope she survived! tee hee!! Hey Eliza..remember Brian as a bratty little kid?? He's all grown up!
We started Easter Sunday at Moriah Foursquare. Celebrating the resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ! We combined all the different groups that lead worship. It was a great service! John 3:16 says "God so loved the world that he gave his only Son so that whoever believes in Him would have everlasting life." What a gift!!

1 comment:

mandy said...

tillie is getting so big, i can't even believe it! i bet it was nice to have the whole family together!