Tuesday, January 01, 2008

A New Year

Today is January 1, 2008. 2007 is behind us now! I am glad! It's been a year. The year for me has been dominated with my folks. It has been hard to see their decline. Going through John Henderson's death with Reg has been difficult and to see Reg suffer the loss of his best friend. It's been hard releasing Emily and Tillie into Anthony's care and it's been hard to see DJ move out. That said, it's been a joy to watch Tillie grow and to see her learn new things all the time. It's been cool to see my kids grow up and live as adults on their own. Reg's girls are doing wonderfully with their spouses. Both Kathryn and Eliza had great things happen this year. We have been so fortunate as a blended family. It has worked!!

I read this on another person's blog and it is perfect! The Book is "A New Kind of Normal" by Carol Kent (Thomas Nelson, 2007). She includes eight choices we can think about as we ponder what 2008 might be.

When despair tries to take me under … I choose life

When I wonder what God could possibly be thinking … I choose trust

When I desperately want relief from unrelenting reality … I choose perseverance

When I feel oppressed by my disappointment and sorrow … I choose gratitude

When I want to keep my feelings to myself … I choose vulnerability

When nothing goes according to my plan … I choose relinquishment

When I want to point the finger … I choose forgiveness

When I want to give up … I choose purposeful action.

By our own attitudes we can have a say in how our year turns out. There will be cirucumstances beyond our control, but we can choose our response! I hope to always choose the positive.

Have a GREAT 2008!!

1 comment:

mandy said...

When I wonder what God could possibly be thinking … I choose trust

good words!

i have a myspace again..so find me on there and you can see my pictures!